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Young people 2022 quality of life survey snapshot

Ashleigh Prakash
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU, Quality of Life Project
Publication date:  



Young people aged 18 to 24 years old made up 14 per cent of the overall 2022 Quality of Life sample. They were ethnically diverse, with around one in ten selecting multiple ethnic groups. The majority stated that they were born in New Zealand. In addition, around one in five young people selected a gender or sexual identity that identified them as part of the Rainbow community.

This group were positive about their quality of life, with 81 per cent rating it as good, very good, or excellent. They were highly engaged in labour and study opportunities, with half indicating that they were a student, and many working in either full-or part-time employment. There were some ethnic group differences, with Pacific young people more likely than others to have taken on caregiving responsibilities in their families.

Mental wellbeing was an area of concern, with only half of young respondents rating their mental health positively, and a similar proportion reporting they had frequently experienced stress that had a negative impact on them. Despite this, young people were well-connected to support and had a high level of social participation. ...


The Quality of Life survey was first conducted in 2003, repeated in 2004, and has been undertaken every two years since. The number of participating councils has varied each time.

Nine councils participated in the 2022 Quality of Life survey project, as follows:

  • Auckland Council
  • Hamilton City Council
  • Tauranga City Council
  • Hutt City Council
  • Porirua City Council
  • Wellington City Council
  • Christchurch City Council
  • Dunedin City Council
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council

The target population was New Zealanders aged 18 years and over, living within the areas governed by the participating councils.

May 2023


See also

Other snapshots

People living with a disability

Rainbow people

Views on climate change Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland

Wellbeing of homeowners and renters Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland


Quality of Life Project reports

Quality of life survey 2002. Results for Auckland

Quality of life survey 2022. Topline report

Quality of life survey 2022. Technical report

Quality of Life Project

Wellbeing among Auckland homeowners and renters: results from the Quality of Life survey
