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What do people value and will it change?

Auckland Council Chief Economist, Shane Martin
Auckland Council Chief Economist,
Publication date:  

  • There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, and this has changed what people value. But it remains to be seen if changes in consumer preferences will be short- or long-term.
  • When it comes to housing, Aucklanders’ preferences are well-established. Properties closer to the city centre, with wide views of the water, or located near town centres are worth more. While it is not profound that people value these things, it is helpful to know how much.
  • Housing preferences may or may not change in the long-term. Once there is less uncertainty in the world and healthcare and financial systems have headed towards recovery, we will be able to determine if the things people value in a home have changed (and by how much). ...

April 2020
