Waiheke Community Survey. Results from a 2018 survey of Waiheke residents
Jesse Allpress, Penelope TuatagaloaSource:
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMUPublication date:
PeopleIn late 2017, a three-year Auckland Council pilot project was established to trial ways of giving the Waiheke Local Board – and by extension, the Waiheke community – greater influence over the decisions that affect life on the island.
As part of the pilot project, an online survey was undertaken among Waiheke Island residents in April 2018. The survey was designed to identify the main issues that residents are concerned about, and to explore how well they feel the Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport (AT) are addressing these issues. Letters were sent to 4734 households on Waiheke, outlining the purpose of the survey, and inviting people to go online and fill it out. A total of 477 people completed the survey.
Many thoughtful answers were provided by respondents. The survey revealed a number of community concerns for Auckland Council, Auckland Transport (AT) and the local board to focus on as the pilot progresses.
These survey results form a baseline, against which progress over the next three years will be evaluated.
Auckland Council technical report, TR2018/014