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Views on climate change 2022 quality of life survey snapshot Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland

Ashleigh Prakash
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU, Quality of Life Project
Publication date:  


Aucklanders’ perceptions of climate change

Almost half (44%) of Auckland respondents to the 2022 Quality of Life survey said they were ‘worried’ or ‘very worried’ about the impacts of climate change on the future of Auckland and its residents. One-third (34%) were ‘a little worried’ and 13 per cent said they were not worried at all.

Younger Aucklanders were more likely than others to state they were worried about climate change –over half (54%) of those aged 18 to 24, compared to 35 per cent of those aged 65 and over.

We asked respondents how many climate actions they had taken on an ongoing basis in the previous year. Managing waste (e.g. reducing food/organic waste going to landfill) and purchasing actions (e.g. buying fewer products, buying less plastics or single use disposable products) were the most commonly chosen options overall, with 56 per cent and 55 per cent respectively stating they had done this on an ongoing basis. ...


The Quality of Life survey was first conducted in 2003, repeated in 2004, and has been undertaken every two years since. The number of participating councils has varied each time.

Nine councils participated in the 2022 Quality of Life survey project, as follows:

  • Auckland Council
  • Hamilton City Council
  • Tauranga City Council
  • Hutt City Council
  • Porirua City Council
  • Wellington City Council
  • Christchurch City Council
  • Dunedin City Council
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council

The target population was New Zealanders aged 18 years and over, living within the areas governed by the participating councils.

May 2023


See also

Other snapshots

People living with a disability

Rainbow people

Wellbeing of homeowners and renters Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland

Young people


Quality of Life Project reports

Quality of life survey 2002. Results for Auckland

Quality of life survey 2022. Topline report

Quality of life survey 2022. Technical report

Quality of Life Project

Wellbeing among Auckland homeowners and renters: results from the Quality of Life survey
