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The Southern Initiative income, wealth and wellbeing analytics project: final report

The Southern Initiative, Harmonic Analytics Ltd
The Southern Initiative | Auckland Council
Publication date:  

From the executive summary:

This document presents the key findings of The Southern Initiative (TSI) Income, Wealth and Wellbeing Analytics Project undertaken by Harmonic Analytics from January to July 2019. The findings of this project will contribute to our understanding of the relationships between education, vocation, income levels and wellbeing. This improved understanding will ultimately, help ensure a more equitable distribution of Auckland’s prosperity for South and West Auckland.

By visualising the relationships between education level and annual income across various industries, it is obvious that some of the industries require less education can still abstain a reasonble yearly income. These initial findings motivated this study to identify which industries are more ‘economical’ (in terms of investment in education versus the income earned). Consequently, this provides clues and evidence to support policy making for improving the fairness across social welfare.

The basis of the analysis includes data from the StatsNZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) environment, including census 2013, IR 2013 and IR 2018 data. With this data, we explored the income and employment characteristics of South and West Aucklanders, alongside the rest of Auckland. ...

July 2019

See also

The Southern Initiative
