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The Māori value reports for Tāmaki Makaurau 2019. Summary

Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB
Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB
Publication date:  


  • The Independent Māori Statutory Board (the Board) is pleased to present the Māori Value Reports.
  • These innovative reports measure progress in Māori wellbeing by using a Māori values approach (Te Ao Māori).
  • Their purpose is to increase Auckland Council and central government understanding of using a Māori values approach to positively impact on Māori wellbeing. Understanding Māori wellbeing is important for informing policy direction and for monitoring the impact of policy interventions on Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau.
  • Each report represents a Māori value: Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Wairuatanga. They measure Māori wellbeing using Māori concepts and worldviews by taking a strengths-based approach to Māori aspirations, activities and achievements.
  • These five values also underpin the Board’s main instrument, the Schedule of Issues of Significance and Māori Plan (2017). This plan builds on 20 outcome areas Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau have emphasised as central to their wellbeing. This leaflet describes how the Māori Value Reports work together with this instrument.
  • The reports provide a valuable resource for policymakers and planners in local and central government, as well as NGOs, businesses, educational institutions, and Māori communities, Iwi, and hapū.

See also:

Te Reo version of this summary document.

Maori values reports: 






Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB

March 2020
