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The manaakitanga report for Tāmaki Makaurau 2019

Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB
Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB
Publication date:  

From the executive summary:

Our approach

The approach to developing the Manaakitanga report included:

reviewing the literature on Manaakitanga

interviewing Māori delivering the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki tourism programme to understand Manaakitanga within a
tourism context

developing a contemporary framework for Manaakitanga expressed by respondents interviewed for this report which enabled reassessment of the indicators and narrative in light of a better understanding of Manaakitanga.

Manaakitanga is a cornerstone of Te Ao Māori and a powerful way of expressing how Māori communities may care for and engage with one another. It is about nurturing relationships, looking after people, and caring about others’ wellbeing. The ability of an individual or collective to care for their own and others’ physical, mental and cultural wellbeing is a refl ection of the extent to which Manaakitanga is present – or is able to be practised. Manaakitanga extends also to the whenua that requires monitoring and care in order to ensure sustainability for future generations.

See also, other Maori values reports:





Independent Māori Statutory Board IMSB

March 2020
