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The impact of housing policy on Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau

Matthew Rout, John Reid, Jay Whitehead, Grace Walker, Ngāi Tahu Research Centre
Ngāi Tahu Research Centre, University of Canterbury
Publication date:  



This report takes an historical approach to examining Māori housing in Tāmaki Makaurau. Theanalysis starts in 1920 and ends in 2020. The purpose of this approach is to establish links between the housing policy environment and Māori access to quality housing in the city. The report examines five periods: 1920 to 1939; 1940 to 1959; 1960 to 1979; 1980 to 1999; and 2000 to 2020. Analysis for each time period first defines the policy conditions of the timeframe, followed by the Māori demographics related to Auckland, the quality, quantity, cost and distribution of housing, and the health and social outcomes related to housing. Through this approach links and correlations can be determined between the policy environment, demographic changes, the state of housing and health and social policy. One caveat, information across time periods is not equally available meaning there are gaps and variations, likewise the Census has changed the way it categorises ‘Māori’ and ‘housing’ numerous times and while the data has been standardised as much as possible these changes are not always surmountable. Also, where not specifically referenced, all data has come from Statistics New Zealand.

See also

Ngāi Tahu Research Centre, University of Canterbury
