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Te Wānanga. Public space design

Auckland Council
Auckland Council
Publication date:  

Te Wānanga - a new Tāmaki Makaurau public space at the meeting point of Te Waitematā and the City Centre.

Located at the waterline of the Downtown ferry basin, Te Wānanga is a significant new public space that forms a unique and innovative coastal connection between whenua (land), moana (sea/harbour) and tāngata (people).

More than simply a pleasant place to gather and move through, Te Wānanga has a strong and innovative design focus on improving land-based and marine-based ecological health.

The name Te Wānanga (see page 3) has been provided by Mana Whenua and conveys aspirations for a place for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities to come together, to enjoy, to share and to learn.

Te Wānanga is a design collaboration between Mana Whenua, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and a collection of local design firms.

This collaborative design process strengthened and elevated design outcomes to deliver a project that expresses local identity, culture and history that reflects Tāmaki Makaurau and the downtown area.


The Māori Design Hub provides insights, resources and examples of Māori design practice.

The purpose of the Māori Design Hub is to:

  • Celebrate and demonstrate Māori design thinking and processes within Tāmaki Makaurau
  • Promote good Māori design practice for Tāmaki Makaurau
  • Provide an educational resource to assist development of a Māori design kaupapa

Māori Design Hub

See also

Auckland Design Manual
