Te kā mai rawa, te ti taihara: mana whenua cultural values and Auckland Council resource consents
Jacob Otter, Esther Rootham, Carina MearesSource:
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMUPublication date:
MāoriThis research project assesses the effectiveness of the cultural values assessment process for protecting and enhancing mana whenua cultural values and interests.
Extract from the Executive summary
Participation in the resource consent process is a key way mana whenua seek to exercise, protect and enhance their cultural values and interests. In Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland Council provides for mana whenua input to the resource consent process through cultural values assessments (CVAs). CVAs are the formal record of mana whenua engagement in a resource consent application. They state the cultural values of a site, and how the proposed activities will impact upon these values. A CVA should also provide recommendations for how these impacts can be avoided or mitigated. The Auckland Council resource consent planner should consider the CVA in their evaluation of the application. The effectiveness of the CVA process for enabling the protection and enhancement of mana whenua cultural values is not well understood however. This research project assesses the effectiveness of the CVA process for protecting and enhancing mana whenua cultural values and interests.
While the research has focused on challenges and opportunities with the CVA system, it was notable that all the kaitiaki representatives and Auckland Council officers we spoke with brought a positive attitude to this part of their work, and were keen to see it operate more effectively. Similarly, the Regulatory Services Directorate is to be commended for prioritising this project, and seeing the opportunities it can provide to enhance CVA engagement, even as they are navigating Auckland’s highly political and demanding housing and development context. Their systematic and collaborative approach to building on the report’s recommendations suggest significant enhancements will emerge to CVA engagement. ...
Auckland Council technical report, TR2019/008.
June 2019