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Te Auaunga Awa (Oakley Creek) social evaluation: report 1 – engagement

J A Allpress
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU
Publication date:  

This report contains an evaluation of the engagement conducted for Auckland Council’s Te
Auaunga Awa (Oakley Creek) Walmsley and Underwood Reserves restoration project. The project
was a trial for Auckland Council of a new way of engaging with Mana Whenua, local boards and
the community to achieve enhanced project and social outcomes.

The evaluation shows that engagement done well, that is appropriate for the size and scope of the
project, has the potential to significantly enhance a project’s quality and impact, as well as
strengthen relationships with the community.

The Mana Whenua, local board and community engagement conducted for Te Auaunga Awa
contributed to a wide range of realised and anticipated benefits across social, environmental and
cultural domains. The engagement was not all smooth sailing, however, and the project team
experienced a number of challenges establishing and maintaining relationships. A summary of
benefits arising from the engagement and key areas for improvement is presented in relation to
each stakeholder group.

The evaluation was conducted by Auckland Council’s Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU), and
provides important lessons for teams across council on how to engage well, and the benefits of
doing so.

Auckland Council technical report, TR2016/041

October 2016

See also:

Te Auaunga (Oakley Creek) social evaluation - social procurement case studies

Lessons for successful mana whenua engagement. Tips for people who don't know where to start
