State of the Waitākere Ranges heritage area 2018. Summary
Auckland Council Plans and PlacesSource:
Auckland Council | Waitākere Ranges Local BoardPublication date:
Monitoring the state of the heritage area
Why we monitor the state of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area
The Waitākere Ranges heritage area is of national, regional, and local significance and the heritage features described in section 7 of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (the Act) individually and collectively contribute to its significance.
Section 34 of the Act requires the council to monitor at five yearly intervals:
- the state of the environment of the heritage area
- the progress made towards achieving the objectives of the Act
- the funding impact from activities to be undertaken to give effect to the Act.
This is the second report to be prepared under the Act. Changes over the last five years have been measured against the data used for the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Monitoring Report (Volumes 1 and 2) June 2013. Statutory changes and some new topics have been included in the 2018 report.
The results of the latest monitoring are discussed in detail in the State of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area 2018 report.
This pamphlet provides a summary of the overall findings across the topics of the report. The full report is available from the council website:
See also
State of the Waitākere Ranges heritage area 2018
May 2018