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Southeastern Manukau / Pahurehure Inlet contaminant study: hydrodynamic, wave and sediment-transport

Mark Pritchard, Richard Gorman, Matt Lewis, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, NIWA
Auckland Regional Council
Publication date:  

Extract from the Preface:

The Manukau Harbour is comprised of tidal creeks, embayments and the central basin. The harbour receives sediment and stormwater chemical contaminant run-off from urban and rural land from a number of subcatchments, which can adversely affect the ecology. State of the environment monitoring in the Pahurehure Inlet showed increasing levels of sediment and stormwater chemical contaminant build up. However, previously little was known about the expected long-term accumulation of sediment and stormwater chemical contaminants in the inlet or adjacent portion of the Manukau Harbour. The South Eastern Manukau Harbour / Pahurehure Inlet Contaminant Study was commissioned to improve understanding of these issues. This study is part of the 10-year Stormwater Action Plan to increase knowledge and improve stormwater management outcomes in the region. The work was undertaken by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).

The scope of the study entailed:

1. field investigation,

2. development of a suite of computer models for
a. urban and rural catchment sediment and chemical contaminant loads,

b. harbour hydrodynamics, and

c. harbour sediment and contaminant dispersion and accumulation,

3. application of the suite of computer models to project the likely fate of sediment, copper and zinc discharged into the central harbour over the 100-year period 2001 to 2100, and

4. conversion of the suite of computer models into a desktop tool that can be readily used to further assess the effects of different stormwater management interventions on sediment and stormwater chemical contaminant accumulation in the central harbour over the 100-year period. ...

Auckland Regional Council, TR2008/056

December 2008
