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Shoreline adaptation plans SAP area Q Manukau Harbour North supporting report policy social cultural

Auckland Council, Barker & Associates
Auckland Council, Resilient Land and Coasts
Publication date:  


1.0    Introduction

1.1    Purpose of the report

Auckland Council (Council) is in the process of developing Shoreline Adaption Plans (SAPs) for the region. The SAPs respond to the Coastal Management Framework (CMF) that was published by Council in 2017 as well as various other statutory and non-statutory drivers, such as Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan, which seek to achieve sustainable management of Council-owned (including Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs)) land and assets along Auckland’s coastlines.

When completed, the SAPs will assign an adaptive strategy for the management of Council-owned land and assets within coastal areas that will be implemented through a combination of direct and indirect pathways including through Council Asset Management Plans.

This report is intended to assist with the ongoing development of SAPs within the Auckland region, and sets out the policy, social and cultural context of SAP Q, being the Manukau Harbour North area. The information base in this report will be built on during SAP engagement. It is intended that this summary of publicly available information will be developed or superseded by further engagement with iwi.

The purpose of the report is to provide:

  • Regulatory and policy context: To identify the relevant policies and regulatory requirements which apply within the SAP area as well as the extent to which they are relevant to the development of shoreline adaption strategies.
  • Social context: To understand the historic and contemporary interaction with, access to, value, and use of Council-owned land and assets at the coast.
  • Cultural context: To understand specific cultural assets, policies, values or principles of particular connection to the kaupapa of coastal management.

This report does not intend to make recommendations, rather support the development of community consultation and engagement; inform engagement with mana whenua and ensure that each area’s SAP appropriately responds to its local setting. It is a first step foundation document upon which more detail and accuracy can be built on and confirmed through consultation. ...

Auckland Council, April 2023

See also

Shoreline adaptation plans. SAP area J Pahurehure Inlet supporting report – policy, social and cultural

Shoreline adaptation plans. SAP area P Manukau Harbour East supporting report – policy, social and cultural

Shoreline adaptation plans: literature review

Auckland Council website

Shoreline adaptation programme
