RIMU hydrology situation report. 25 January 2021
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMUSource:
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMUPublication date:
Regional summary for 13 January to 25 January 2021
Rainfall since the last report on 13 January was generally less than 20mm, with higher totals in the south. Soil moisture fell at all sites and only two sites remain in the normal or high range, with eight sites recording low or very low soil moisture. River flows fell across the region with 19 of 39 sites now below the mean annual low flow (MALF). Eleven of the 19 stream sites are below the AUP default minimum flow of 85% MALF. Groundwater levels vary according to geology and water use pressures. Low groundwater levels were generally observed in shallow volcanic and deep Waitematā sandstone aquifers.
January 2021