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Quality of life survey 2020. Topline report

Publication date:  




The 2020 Quality of Life survey is a collaborative local government research project. The primary objective of the survey is to measure residents’ perceptions of aspects of living in larger urban areas.

The survey provides data for councils to use as part of their monitoring programmes. It also contributes to public knowledge and research on quality of life issues in New Zealand.

Councils involved

The Quality of Life survey was first conducted in 2003, repeated in 2004 and has been undertaken every two years since. The number of participating councils has varied each time.

A total of nine councils participated in the 2020 Quality of Life survey project, as follows:

  • Auckland Council
  • Hamilton City Council
  • Tauranga City Council
  • Hutt City Council
  • Porirua City Council
  • Wellington City Council
  • Christchurch City Council
  • Dunedin City Council
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council.

One of the councils listed is a regional council. The Greater Wellington region includes the areas covered by Hutt City, Porirua City and Wellington City Councils. The regional council area also includes smaller towns as well as rural and semi-rural areas. Throughout this report, the results for all nine council areas are reported on separately and the aggregated results for the eight city councils, excluding Greater Wellington Regional Council, are provided (referred to throughout as the ‘eight city total’). The text in this report focuses on the eight city total as these are substantially urban areas.

Results for the Greater Wellington region include results for Hutt City, Porirua City and Wellington City areas, along with a booster sample from the remaining territorial authority areas in the region.

Quality of Life survey results from 2003 onwards are available on the Quality of Life website:

Nielsen March 2021

See also

Quality of life survey 2020. Technical report
