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Puketāpapa local economic overview 2022

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
Publication date:  

About this report

This data report provides detail of the demographic make-up of the local board area, the general economic well-being of households in the area, the qualifications residents have and the types of jobs they do.

In addition, the nature of employment opportunities that are available locally and how these have changed over time is included.

How the area’s economy has performed relative to the wider Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland region provides an indicator of how the local economy is performing. However, it should be noted that for many of the more residential local board areas, the bulk of employment opportunities may well be in neighbouring areas that are home to the region’s larger industrial and commercial zones.

A section on the main town centres in the local board area shows how the centres have performed relative to the region over the last five years, noting however, that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact over the latter half of that period.

Data in this report are drawn from several publicly available sources as well as privately compiled data sources (Infometrics, Marketview).

  • Population data is primarily drawn from the 2018 Census, as well as official estimates that have been subsequently released by Statistics New Zealand and published by Infometrics.
  • Labour force data comes from the Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).
  • Education data is primarily sources from the Ministry of Education’s Education Counts website.
  • Employment and GDP data for different sectors is sourced from Infometrics and is provided at local board level. Data on key economic places within local board areas (e.g., an industrial precinct) draws on Statistics New Zealand’s Business Demographics data, which is available at the Statistical Area 2 (SA2) level, a smaller geographic level than the local board level. Differences in the way these data sets are reported produces some discrepancies between the data, but these are not significant within the context of this report.
  • Town Centre spend data was sourced from Verisk Marketview.

The summary and advice report provides the key data about the local economy from this report and identifies potential areas of focus for the local board to consider through the 2023 Local Board Plan consultation and development stages. It also includes some actions the local board may wish to consider for inclusion in the next Local Board Plan. Some of these actions will be ones the local board already supports through work being undertaken with a range of council departments and council-controlled organisations (CCOs).

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

Note of Error October 2023

The previous published version of this report contained an error.

The population growth (2016-2021) figure in the table and chart in Section 2: Population and Households had been incorrectly calculated.

The error is corrected in this version. Inquiries to:

October 2023


List of local economic overviews

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Ōrākei local economic overview

Ōtara-Papatoetoe local economic overview

Papakura local economic overview

Puketāpapa local economic overview

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Feb. 10th - Mar. 10th