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New Zealanders and the arts. Ko Aotearoa me ōna toi. Research summary for Auckland 2020

Colmar Brunton, Creative NZ
Creative NZ | Auckland Council
Publication date:  


Background and objectives of the research

Since 2005 Creative New Zealand has conducted research to measure New Zealanders' engagement with the arts. This includes attendance and participation in different art forms, as well as wider attitudes to the arts. The research comprises two separate surveys (one of adults aged 15+; and one of young people aged 10-14). The surveys are repeated every three years.

The research is used in a number of ways. It provides:
- Vital insights for Creative New Zealand, selected agencies and arts organisations about the national levels of cultural engagement

- Stories to advocate for the arts

- Up to date data that arts organisations can use to develop marketing programming and income generation strategies.

This report presents findings on public attitudes, attendance and participation in the arts in the Auckland region. The findings are compared to all New Zealanders (aged 15+).


See also:

Creative NZ

New Zealanders and the Arts - Ko Aotearoa me ōna Toi

For the first time, we have dedicated reports exploring Māori, Pasifika and Asian New Zealanders’ relationship with the arts. A report on New Zealanders with lived experience of disability and their relationship with the arts has also been prepared, as well as the regional and city reports that premiered in 2017. 

For each community you can access full reports from Colmar Brunton, as well as summaries produced by Creative New Zealand.

Māori perspectives (aged 15+)

Pasifika perspectives (aged 15+)

Asian New Zealanders (aged 15+)

New Zealanders with lived experience of disability (aged 15+)

Across our regions and cities

June 2021
