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Navigating in and out of Aotearoa New Zealand’s intermediate housing market

Jennifer L R Joynt; Leon Hoffman
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU
Publication date:  

Extract from the executive summary:

In 2019, the Auckland Council Planning Committee agreed that Auckland Council should take an ‘intervene and lead’ role in affordable housing, investigate regulatory and non-regulatory interventions and partnerships, and undertake exploratory research into the lived experiences of people in Auckland’s intermediate housing market (IHM).

The scope of this report consists of two main tasks. The first is defining the IHM and providing a review of experiences of the IHM as detailed across the international literature and Aotearoa New Zealand context where available. The second task is to explore the experiences of Aotearoa New Zealand’s IHM using secondary data derived from media reports and existing research data. More specifically, this examination identifies the different views, challenges, goals and aspirations concerning homeownership and renting for householders within the IHM, and examines the key impacts of being trapped in this market across various domains, including health, work, education, whānau, and social networks among others. ...

Auckland Council technical report, TR2021/14

April 2021
