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Māori co-design ethics hui summary report

D Schollum-Whaanga, D Goodwin, P Hagen, D Albarrán González, M Joyce, Kayla Burke
The Southern Initiative, Auckland Co-design Lab, Auckland Council
Publication date:  

This document is offered as a partial record of the first hui in a planned series of hui held in August 2019 in Tāmaki Herehere ki te Tonga. The hui is part of ongoing mahi by Māori practitioners across Aotearoa to make visible and establish Māori voice and practice in relation to co-design and related kaupapa Māori practices. The framing focus for this hui, intended as one of several, was Māori co design ethics, and this was interpreted expansively and as incorporating all aspects of practice on the day.

Thank you to all those who participated and helped to create this document. Our hope is to continue to connect and build this mahi and movement together in the coming months and years. Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!

The Southern Initiative, July 2020
