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Defining a well-functioning urban environment. A systematic literature review

Jennifer L R Joynt
Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU
Publication date:  

Extract from the Executive summary:

This discussion paper forms part of the response to the requirements for tier 1 regional and territorial councils to implement the NPS-UD, as gazetted by the New Zealand Government in August 2020. Auckland Council has divided the response to the NPS-UD into a series of workstreams, with this literature review falling under workstream 1 (WKS1) – Well-functioning urban environments (WFUE).

The overall aim of WKS1 is to determine what is included in the definition of well-functioning urban environment, above the minimum, as set out in NPS-UD Policy 1.

Policy 1 of the NPS-UD describes a well-functioning environment as a planned environment that as a minimum have or enable a variety of homes that serve the following functions:

  • meet the needs, in terms of type, price, and location, of different households
  • enable Māori to express their cultural traditions and norms
  • have or enable a variety of sites that are suitable for different business sectors in terms of location and site size
  • have good accessibility for all people between housing, jobs, community services, natural spaces, and open spaces, including by way of public or active transport
  • support, and limit as much as possible adverse impacts on, the competitive operation of land and development markets; and support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
  • are resilient to the likely current and future effects of climate change.

This discussion paper aims to test this definition for completeness using a systematic review of international academic and grey literature. The output of the review then recommends expanding the definition considering the findings. ...

Auckland Council discussion paper, DP2021/1

August 2021
