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Climate change in Tāmaki Makaurau understanding risks opportunities different for Māori businesses

Whetū Consultancy Group
Whetū Consultancy Group, Auckland Unlimited
Publication date:  

Climate change in Tāmaki Makaurau understanding how risks and opportunities may be different for Māori businesses

Summary of Analysis for Auckland Unlimited to support the Tāmaki Makaurau Economic Climate Change Risk Assessment

Extract from the Introduction:

1.1 Background

The Economic Climate Change Risk Assessment (ECCRA) was undertaken in two distinct phases. The Phase 1 assessment was undertaken between April and June 2020. The Phase 1 assessment focused on climate change risks and opportunities to four priority sectors: construction, food and beverage, visitor economy, and screen sectors. Phase 1 identified and evaluated risks and opportunities that may arise from hazards that are caused, exacerbated or influenced by climate change. It also identified risks and opportunities that may arise from transition to a low-carbon economy.

Phase 2 has expanded this assessment to include the following activities:

• Undertaking a risk screen of the advanced manufacturing and technology sectors not assessed in Phase 1 of the ECCRA against physical climate change risks identified in Phase 1 of the ECCRA;

• Understanding how identified risks and opportunities may be different for Māori businesses;

• Conducting broader engagement with business on climate risks and adaptation, including engagement specifically targeted at Māori businesses;

• Exploring literature available on financial costs of not transitioning; and

• Synthesising adaptation actions (both planned and underway) identified through engagement.

1.2 Purpose of Report

The key purpose of this review is to assist with understanding whether the risks and opportunities for businesses identified in the ECCRA, are the same for Māori businesses, and if not, how they differ. This summary report delivers the findings from Whetū Consultancy Group (Whetū), including insights gained through interviews with targeted Māori businesses in the rohe. ...

Auckland Unlimited

Whetū Consultancy Group

See also

Tāmaki Makaurau economic climate change risk assessment

August 2021
