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Changing lives one home at a time. The story of ko huiamano. Warm, dry, healthy homes

The Southern Initiative, Kootuitui ki Papakura, Frances Hancock
The Southern Initiative | Auckland Council
Publication date:  

Established in 2015, Kootuitui ki Papakura weaves Education, Health and Homes Strands to support lifelong outcomes for tamariki.

Six partner schools form the Kootuitui cluster: Papakura High School, Papakura Central School, Park Estate School, Red Hill Primary School, Kereru Park Campus and Edmund Hillary School. We collaborate with their boards of trustees, leaders, teachers, staff and whaanau to help deliver accelerated student achievement. At March 2019, the cluster consisted of 1820 children including 52% Maaori, 26% Pasifika, 13% European, and 6% Indian.

Kootuitui ki Papakura has six trustees, two advisers and 4.5 full-time equivalent staff. We also fund seven full-time equivalent staff to deliver health related services in schools. Our active volunteers usually work within school hours and during busy weeks may invest up to 30 hours each. ...


Co-designing Ko Huiamano 

With a mandate to act as a change agent in South Auckland, TSI wanted to support communityled innovation that delivered a more integrated approach to whaanau wellbeing. Kootuitui ki Papakura wanted to give substance to its Homes Strand, which carried a vision of ‘Secure Homes’. Both wanted to accelerate lifelong outcomes for children.

TSI suggested a co-design approach that put whaanau at the centre. Co-design enables wide-ranging stakeholders to engage meaningfully with whaanau, especially those who don’t see themselves represented in the institutions, systems and processes they encounter.

June 2019

See also

The Southern Initiative
