Auckland watershed story maps
Auckland CouncilSource:
Auckland CouncilPublication date:
EnvironmentWatershed Story Maps are map-based tools intended to assist Auckland Council with improving the management of water across Auckland and fulfilling the requirements of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2017.
Maps work best with Google Chrome.
November 2023
Auckland Council is consulting on implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management in Auckland. Consultation information is available here: Setting our direction for improving freshwater in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
Other Knowledge Auckland resources:
Implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 in Auckland
Welcome to Auckland's Watershed Story Map

Auckland’s waterways are a taonga, a treasure vital to the region's cultural, ecological and economic well-being. They are an essential part of what makes living in Tāmaki Makaurau so special.
However, due to urbanisation and poor land management practices, the state of Auckland’s waters is poor in many places. Recognising this, Aucklanders have made it clear that improving waterways is a top priority for the region. Auckland Council and its council-controlled organisations, including Auckland Transport and Watercare, also have obligations to improve water outcomes.
The purpose of a Story Map is to promote further conversation on what needs to be done to improve Auckland’s waters. To help this discussion, the information in the Story Map is presented geographically around ‘watersheds,’ which reflect the region’s major harbours and coastlines.
Watersheds comprise the land from which all the natural rain run-off discharges to a particular waterbody, such as the Manukau and Waitematā Harbours. Focusing on watersheds gives an integrated catchment approach that combines how land characteristics and activities affect water outcomes. This approach is consistent with iwi and hapū roles as kaitiaki of wai.
This watershed approach also recognises that improving water outcomes is complex. The map viewers in this Story Map aim to break down that complexity.