Auckland Plan targets: monitoring report 2015.
R Wilson, A Reid, C BishopSource:
Auckland Council, Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMUPublication date:
PeopleThe Auckland Plan, launched in March 2012, is an overarching strategy designed to guide Auckland’s future over the next 30 years. It provides broad direction towards ensuring that Auckland is the world’s ‘most liveable city’, through 13 strategic directions, each accompanied by a set of priorities and actions (over 200 actions are listed in the Addendum to the Plan).
The Auckland Plan includes a set of 74 targets across the 13 strategic directions. These targets are ambitious and long-term – most extend out to the year 2040.
A baseline monitoring report was prepared in 2013, that set out the baseline measurement for all 74 targets, and that clarified those instances in which further work was required to establish a baseline, or where there may be future difficulties in measuring progress. In September 2014, an initial ‘monitoring report’ was released (Auckland Council technical report, TR2014/024), which provided an update to the baseline for each target, where possible. This report is, in turn, an update to the September 2014 monitoring report.
Auckland Council technical report TR2015/030
December 2015