Auckland Plan 2050. Development strategy monitoring report October 2019
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Auckland CouncilPublication date:
PeopleFrom the executive summary:
This is the first monitoring report on the Auckland Plan 2050 Development Strategy. This report monitors building consents issued for residential dwellings across Auckland, as well as business floor space and covers the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.
As this is the first monitoring report, and the Development Strategy covers a 30-year timeframe, it is too early to definitively indicate if we are achieving our quality compact approach to growth and development.
The Development Strategy sets out how Auckland will grow and change over the next 30 years to become a place that Aucklanders love and are proud of. Auckland has taken a quality compact approach to growth and development. This approach means future development will be focused in the existing urban area and in future urban areas within Auckland’s urban footprint. Expansion into rural areas will be limited.
Much of growth in the existing urban area will be focused within Nodes and Development Areas.
The existing urban area is the area of Auckland with live urban zoning at 2017, including the rural towns (and excluding live zoned future urban areas).
Nodes are major growth areas critical to accommodating development across Auckland. These areas are based around a significant centre and service large catchments. They encompass surrounding employment and high-density residential areas.
Development Areas are urban areas where significant growth is expected in jobs and housing over the next 30 years. These areas were identified based on factors such as ability to accommodate growth and committed projects. Planning and investment will be targeted when growth at scale occurs.
The Remaining existing urban area includes the rest of the existing urban area not included in a Node or Development Area.
Auckland is changing: we’re now moving up instead of just out: The number and location of dwelling consents issued in 2018/2019 broadly follows the implementation of the quality compact approach, and the multi-nodal model, in the Development Strategy. The desire for a quality, compact future Auckland is becoming reality as illustrated by the record dwelling consents for more intensive housing including apartments, townhouses, flats and units. ...
Auckland Council, October 2019