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Auckland Council Seniors Advisory Panel end of term report 2019

Auckland Council Seniors Advisory Panel
Auckland Council Seniors Advisory Panel
Publication date:  

Our role

The Seniors Advisory Panel offers advice based on their experiences living as seniors in Auckland. The panel provides strategic advice to Auckland Council and helps improve outcomes for seniors across the region.

Our role is to:

  • identify the issues that are important to older people in Auckland
  • provide feedback and advice on the council’s regional strategies, policies and plans, and any matter of particular interest or concern to older people.

Seniors Advisory Panel members for the 2016-2019 term are:

  • Janet Clews, CNZM, QSO, JP (Chairman)
  • David Wong Hop, MNZM, JP (Deputy Chairman)
  • Dr Judy Blakey, MNZM
  • Roger Fowler, QSM
  • Joan Lardner-Rivlin, MNZM, QSM
  • Sonny Niha
  • Mihi Te Huia
  • Mere Tunks, QSM

September 2019
