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Arrested (re)development? A study of cross lease and unit titles in Auckland

Craig Fredrickson
Auckland Council, Research and Evaluation Unit RIMU
Publication date:  

Increased density in already urbanised areas of Auckland will be required to reach the goals of a compact city set out in The Auckland Plan, and will require a significant level of redevelopment and intensification. However, the presence of multi-owned properties across the city presents a barrier to redevelopment. In this regard, cross lease title and unit title properties are the most prevalent type of multi-owned property in Auckland, with these two title types accounting for 31 per cent of all titles in Auckland. Over fourth-fifths (81 per cent) of parcels associated with cross lease titles or unit titles are zoned to allow higher-density residential in the Auckland Unitary Plan (decisions version) and approximately 44 per cent of those titles have dwellings that were built in the 1970s or earlier. Many of these dwellings could be nearing the end of their physical or economic life, and with the zoning of these properties allowing higher-density development, the ability of many of them to be redeveloped is severely restricted, primarily due the complicated nature of their ownership.

This study was initiated in order to understand the quantum and nature of cross lease titles and unit titles in Auckland and their potential impacts on future (re)development. The project was undertaken in two phases. The first sought to identify the location, nature, and form of properties and dwellings associated with cross lease titles and unit titles through the analysis of spatial datasets. The second phase comprised interviews with relevant professionals to better understand the drivers and influences that cross lease titles or unit titles have on the potential redevelopment of properties.

Auckland Council technical report, TR2017/025
