Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Adrian Orr resigns
The Minister Responsible for RMA Reform has announced changes to the Resource Management Act 1991 and the introduction of new Acts.
The Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden, has announced that Caroline Flora has been reappointed as New Zealand’s Chief Censor.
The Minister of Health has announced changes to the health system including the return of a board for Health New Zealand.
Investing in natural disaster research partnerships. Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology.
ClimateWise provides free tools and resources to help businesses reduce risks, uncover opportunities, and build long-term resilience. Climate Connect Aotearoa
Minister of Housing. New and improved infrastructure funding and financing tools
The Government has introduced to Parliament, the Term of Parliament (Enabling 4-year Term) Legislation Amendment Bill.
The government website for information about fast-track projects
Cabinet paper. Local government system improvements: Policy decisions. – Government's plans for changes to local government law.