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National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land 2022

19 September 2022
New Zealand Government, Ministry for the Environment
Publication date:

National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land 2022


Part 2: Objective and Policies

2.1 Objective

Objective: Highly productive land is protected for use in land-based primary production, both now and for future generations.

2.2 Policies

Policy 1: Highly productive land is recognised as a resource with finite characteristics and long-term values for land-based primary production.

Policy 2: The identification and management of highly productive land is undertaken in an integrated way that considers the interactions with freshwater management and urban development.

Policy 3: Highly productive land is mapped and included in regional policy statements and district plans.

Policy 4: The use of highly productive land for land-based primary production is prioritised and supported.

Policy 5: The urban rezoning of highly productive land is avoided, except as provided in this National Policy Statement.

Policy 6: The rezoning and development of highly productive land as rural lifestyle is avoided, except as provided in this National Policy Statement.

Policy 7: The subdivision of highly productive land is avoided, except as provided in this National Policy Statement.

Policy 8: Highly productive land is protected from inappropriate use and development.

Policy 9: Reverse sensitivity effects are managed so as not to constrain land-based primary production activities on highly productive land. …

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Ministry for the Environment

National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land

