Māori housing initiatives
16 May 2020
New Zealand GovernmentPublication date:
2020Māori - Government partnership gives whānau a new housing deal
The Government is investing $40 million in a partnership with Māori to get more whānau into warm, dry and secure accommodation, Associate Minister for Housing (Māori Housing) Hon Nanaia Mahuta says. ...
The additional funding will be used to accelerate the supply of quality housing stock for whānau through refurbishment. It will also support the delivery of more affordable housing options and support community based housing projects.
As on Budget day 2020, $570 million will be invested in an extra 8,000 homes, which will be split between approximately 6000 public houses and 2000 transitional houses. The additional housing places will be delivered by Kāinga Ora, Community Housing Providers and transitional housing providers. ...