Land transport
22 October 2020
Ministry of TransportPublication date:
2020The Minister of Transport released the final Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021/22–2030/31 (GPS) in September 2020.
The GPS is reviewed every three years and guides investment in transport by providing a 10-year outlook of how spending will be prioritised in the land transport network. The scope and requirements of the GPS are set out in the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and local government use the GPS when deciding what land transport projects to fund from the National Land Transport Fund. These projects give effect to the strategic priorities set out in the GPS.
Over $4 billion a year from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) is allocated to land transport activities in the GPS that progress the government’s objectives and priorities for the land transport system. It also provides signals for a further $1 billion co-investment each year by local government.
The GPS 2021 builds on the strategic direction of GPS 2018 by maintaining the priorities but updating them to align with recent policy work and simplifying them. The Government is proposing to prioritise safety, better transport options, improving freight connections, and climate change.