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Digital strategy for Aotearoa. Te rautaki matihiko mō Aotearoa

14 September 2022
New Zealand Government
Publication date:

The Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications has launched New Zealand's Digital Strategy.

Extracts from the strategy:

The Digital Strategy for Aotearoa has been built around 3 connected themes that form the structure of the Strategy: Mahi Tika — Trust, Mahi Tahi — Inclusion, and Mahi Ake — Growth. These themes are supported by goals and measures.

Measuring progress against Trust, Inclusion and Growth will help us to realise our vision for a digital Aotearoa New Zealand:

  • Te whakaāhei i te puāwaitanga me te taurikura o te katoa o Aotearoa i roto i te ao matihiko.
  • Enabling all of Aotearoa New Zealand to flourish and prosper in a digital world. ...


A vision for a digital Aotearoa

Our vision is that Aotearoa New Zealand’s people, communities, economy, and environment are flourishing and prosperous in the digital era. 

What could it look like in 2032 if we reached this vision?

  • Aotearoa New Zealand is a more equitable, innovative place with a healthy democracy and a strong economy. Our country is resilient, sustainable and ready for the future.
  • Digital technologies and data support wellbeing, providing opportunities to ‘earn, learn and thrive’. Everyone accesses and uses the internet and digital technologies in ways that work best for them. Digital tools and services are trustworthy and accessible.
  • We can trust organisations to collect, use and store our data in secure and culturally appropriate ways. Te ao Māori views on data are a key part of our digital and data system.
  • Our ways of doing things, and the products and services we build reflect our country’s unique features and history.
  • Online spaces where we interact are safe and welcoming.
  • Iwi, hāpū, government, businesses and other organisations use digital tools, services and data to solve problems, support cultural expression, and support the work of people.
  • We use data and digital technology to address big issues of our time like climate change.
  • A thriving ecosystem of businesses create and sell digital products and services within Aotearoa New Zealand and to the rest of the world. Our tech workforce is as diverse as our country’s population and people can thrive in fulfilling digital careers.
  • People learn, adapt and gain new digital skills throughout their lives. Anyone can access a broad range of resources and training through their workplace, their community and formal education. We have reliable, secure internet and data infrastructure that serves the whole country. People have access to affordable digital devices and internet connections.
  • Government agencies provide holistic, equitable, trustworthy, user-centred services that give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles. The government responds to emerging digital trends. It addresses risks, embraces opportunities, and collaborates locally and internationally.

This Strategy aims to help make this vision a reality. We want Aotearoa New Zealand to secure its place as a world-leading, trusted, thriving digital nation. ...

Read more

See also

Minister's press release
