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Covid-19: Prime Minister – New Zealand goes to the Covid-19 traffic light system, 2 December

22 November 2021
New Zealand Government
Publication date:

Prime Minister

NZ Moves Forward Into Traffic Lights On Dec 3


All of New Zealand will move into the Covid-19 Protection Framework at 11.59pm on Thursday 2 December, making Friday 3 December the first day the traffic light system will be operationalised.

“Cabinet has today provided New Zealanders certainty by confirming the whole country will move into the traffic light system on December 3 – 11 days from now,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

“Setting the date now gives people, communities and businesses time to prepare to move safely and smoothly into the new traffic light system.

“Decisions on what colour each region will move into will be confirmed on 29 November, giving regions time to drive up vaccination rates further. ...

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