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Auckland Council. Plan Change 78: Intensification

18 August 2022
Auckland Council
Publication date:

Auckland Council. Plan Change 78: Intensification

About the plan change

​This proposed plan change responds to the government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (amended in 2022) and requirements of the Resource Management Act. These mean the council must:

  • enable more development in the city centre and at least six-storey buildings within walkable catchments from the edge of the City Centre, Metropolitan Centres and Rapid Transit Stops
  • enable development in and around neighbourhood, local and town centres
  • incorporate Medium Density Residential Standards that enable three storey housing in relevant residential zones in urban Auckland
  • implement qualifying matters to reduce the height and density of development required by the RMA to the extent necessary to accommodate a feature or value that means full intensification is not appropriate. ...

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Submissions close, 29 September 2022
