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Fast Forward. School of Architecture and Planning. Andre de Graaf and Helen Kerr, Isthmus (Auckland)

School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland
Publication date:
02 Apr 2025, 06:30 PM - 02 Apr 2025, 08:00 PM
University of Auckland Engineering Atrium, Level 3, Building 401, 5 Grafton Road, Auckland
Andre de Graaf and Helen Kerr
Link to Event:

Andre de Graaf and Helen Kerr, Isthmus (Auckland)

Creating and meeting demand

Founded in 1988, Isthmus has staked a position among the nation’s leading urban design firms. They have expanded their field of operation well beyond traditional planning, urban design, and master planning disciplines to include architecture, landscape architecture, infrastructure and graphic design. This work strives to generate positive social and environmental outcomes through a “kaupapa of regenerating Aotearoa by connectingland, people and culture.” Andre and Helen, both Principals at the firm, will share their design kaupapa for regenerating communities, with examples of their urban design tools and Mahi up and down the motu.

The talk will use project examples to compare growth challenges in changing environments, including adaptation master planning in regional towns with declining populations and measures of urban well-being in rapidly growing city neighbourhoods. It will challenge perceptions around what design interventions can make a difference and how to navigate uncertainty.

Fast Forward
