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Digital cities in Southeast Asia

University of Auckland, Business School
Publication date:
18 Jun 2024, 01:00 PM - 18 Jun 2024, 02:00 PM
Room 321, Sir Owen G Glenn Building 12 Grafton Road Auckland
Ben Fath and Antje Fiedler
Link to Event:

Digital cities in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia's rapid urbanisation and digitalisation are drivers of the region's economic growth and productivity.

This seminar explores how these two trends intersect. Urbanisation enables agglomeration economies, fostering innovation and productivity by concentrating businesses and services. Digital technologies enhance such effects and provide access to new consumer markets. This seminar shows the role of cities in finding Southeast Asia's digitalisation path. It will also show how this path, while not equally travelled by all cities, countries and consumer segments, affects consumption patterns, means of customer engagement and opportunities for Western firms.
