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About Knowledge Auckland

Knowledge Auckland, an Auckland Council website, is a place to find and share research, information and data about Auckland including Auckland Council research and technical publications. This website also hosts publications and research resources from a variety of other sources (government reports, other councils' publications, research organisation reports, university research publications, community organisation reports, etc.) and aims to provide decision-makers, researchers, and communities with good access to the information and analysis needed to plan for Auckland’s future.

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For information about Auckland Council, please visit the Auckland Council website.

This website was previously managed by the Auckland Council Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU. RIMU was disestablished on 21 June 2024 and Knowledge Auckland is now managed by the council's Strategic Advice and Research Unit.

  1. Keyword searching is the best approach, particularly if you know words from the title. For example: Auckland housing, greenhouse gas, kauri, voters, watercourse assessment, walkable. For title and subject searches, the more keywords or phrases the better. For example: changes in indigenous ecosystems, Auckland Plan 2050.
  2. At the search results page, use the sort by options "latest" for recently published reports. Use the "list" layout options to display a list of your search results. "List" and "Grid" buttons, right side of the search results page. 
  3. Search using a publication’s number (if known): TR2023/5, TR2024/7, TP19, TP58, TP197 etc. For a list of all council technical reports for a particular year use this search: TR2022 TR2023 TR2024 etc
  4. Search using an author’s name: Craig Fredrickson, J A Allpress, Kathryn. If you only know the author's family name, search for that.
  5. Search using geographic names, including names of local boards: Albert-Eden, Ponsonby, Manukau, Waikato etc
  6. For a subject or topic approach, click on the images on the home page: People, Natural Environment, Economy etc

Technical publications published before 2010

Technical publications (TPs) published by previous Auckland councils before 2010 (including Auckland Regional Council TPs) are not always available on this website. Please send your request for previous technical publications to Pdf copies are supplied quickly by email, usually within two to three working days.

Auckland Counts Census information

Auckland economic profile (provided by Infometrics Ltd)

Environmental data


Note that Knowledge Auckland is a website that changes as new publications, research information and data become available. We welcome comment or questions, and advice on new content. 

Please send your comments and suggestions for new items to 


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Feb. 26th - Mar. 26th