Life in medium density housing in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
Kathryn Ovenden, Melanie McKelvieSource:
Auckland Council Economic and Social Research and Evaluation Team, Urban Design Unit, Tāmaki Makaurau Design OpePublication date:
HousingNote: Download the full technical report on the right, 502 pages, 36MB file. Download chapter, appendices and summary pdfs below.
Overview of the Life in Medium Density Housing in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland report
The Life in Medium Density Housing in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland study was undertaken by Auckland Council’s Economic and Social Research and Evaluation team and Tāmaki Makaurau Design Ope (TMDO) in 2023.The primary purpose of the research was to investigate how Aucklanders are experiencing living in recently built medium density housing (MDH).
The results of this research will support everyone involved in the delivery of housing in Auckland (including Auckland Council, central government, developers) to improve future MDH, and ultimately the wellbeing of Aucklanders, through consenting processes, design guidance and land use planning. It will also enable better informed choices by Aucklanders looking to live in MDH.
This study involved a number of methods including a rapid literature review, geospatial analysis to identify recently developed MDH across the Auckland region, an online survey of 1337 participants living in MDH, analysis of the consented plans of 110 properties whose residents participated in the survey, and 20 in-depth in-home immersions which collectively provides a comprehensive view of how people experience their MDH.
This report is divided into 10 chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Legislation and policy context
Chapter 3: Research method and sample
Chapter 4: Indoor spaces for living
Chapter 5: Storage, laundries and bathrooms
Chapter 6: Outdoor living spaces
Chapter 7: Indoor environment
Chapter 8: Carparking and vehicle storage
Chapter 9: Shared facilities
Chapter 10: Discussion and recommendations
Auckland Council technical report TR2024/6, September 2024
See also
Life in medium density housing in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland summary
Medium density housing in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland: Making it work